

A Creative Producer

…who still believes in magic


I specialize in Live-Action, Motion Graphics, and Experimental Media.

I grew up in the foothills of the Angeles National Forest in Southern California. My childhood consisted of mostly collecting bugs in the backyard for my terrariums, helping my Ma make dinner, and making stories come to life with my friends. 

At UCLA, I studied Anthropology & Cognitive Science. I learned how to apply these disciplines through video documentary to understand how people think, what drives them, and what brings them together.  In my search, I discovered that some of the most powerful mediums across cultures are Storytelling and Magic.  

Since then, my passion for connecting people through Storytelling and Magic has taken root as a major cornerstone of my life:

By day, I'm a Senior Producer with over 8 yrs of experience helping brands tell their story & connect with people. I’ve worked with some of the biggest companies in the world such a Takeda, Target, Saudi Aramco, Facebook and Pokémon GO but some of my favorite projects have been working with artists, local businesses, and creators like the magicians at Four Suits Co., 3very, MyGemProducts, SBCC.

When I’m not at work, I’m a principal member of Four Suits Co., a creative studio focused on magic as a tool in theater, security, and design, specializing in interactive performance experiences. Here, I work on live events, products and developing marketing content.

In 2019 we hosted our first village at DEF CON, hosting talks and workshops on Magic, Casino Gaming, and Security. We shared methods and applications of verbal steganography, pick-pocketing. One of the most prolific Advantage Players of our time gave a talk at our village on how they gamed design and security flaws in casinos – she was a hit.

In 2020, we dove deeper into our storytelling and discovering how we can bring magic closer to you.

For my next trick, I’m focusing on my strengths: cooking and creating have been my outlets for expression and my acts of love. This time I’m applying my skills as a Producer to create my own brand with BIRDIE’s Smoky Seasoned Salt and Focaccia, coming soon to a farmers market near you, Summer of 2023.

You can find me baking bread or reading the future in a cup of Turkish coffee with my cat, Aloo, crafting up the next project.